
Open postdoc position starting Spring 2025

We are seeking a postdoc interested in studying plant and pathogen diversity and interactions at the interface of wild and working landscapes throughout Oregon. This postdoc will help lead a project investigating how the diversity and abundance of pathogens and fungal endophytes in grasses are shaped by land use, plant biodiversity, and the abiotic environment. Experience with plants, fungi, or disease is preferred, but not required. The start date is flexible. This is a 12-month position that may be renewed for up to two years.

The postdoc’s chief responsibility will be to lead a team that will identify plants, isolate and identify fungi, measure fungal disease symptoms, analyze data, and publish papers on diseases of grasses from a large-scale survey of farms and fields in Oregon. Depending on the interests of the postdoc, they may further collaborate with other members of the lab on data synthesis and experimental research projects aiming at understanding how host biogeography, land use, and environmental factors interact to shape host and pathogen community assembly. Applications can be sent to Fletcher Halliday: fletcher.halliday [AT] oregonstate [dot] edu with the the applicant’s full name and the words “Grass Disease Postdoc” in the subject line. Applications should include a cover letter describing your interest in the project, a CV, and contact information for two references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Questions and pre-application inquiries are welcome.

Other positions

Graduate students are hosted in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. If you are interested in pursuing a masters or PhD in our research group, please make sure that your research interests align with our interests and expertise. Send a brief statement about your background, research interests, and career goals to Dr. Halliday. Also watch this space for advertisements if specific graduate positions become available.

Oregon State undergraduates interested in research opportunities in the group should get in touch at any time – directed studies and thesis projects are just a few ways that you could join our group.

We are always on the lookout for Postdoc funding opportunities, and would be happy to help you develop a fellowship application to work in our group.