Peer Reviewed Papers
- Mirkouei, A., Haapala, K.R., Sessions, J. and Murthy, G.S. 2017. A mixed biomass-based energy supply chain for enhancing economic and environmental sustainability benefits: A Multi-criteria Decision Making Framework. Applied Energy. 206:1088-1101.
- Kadhum, H.J., Rajendran, K. and Murthy, G.S. 2017. Effect of solids loading on ethanol production: Experimental, economic and environmental analysis. Biores. Technol. 244:108-116.
- Juneja, A., and Murthy, G.S. 2017. Evaluating the potential of renewable diesel production from algae cultured on waterwater: techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment. AIMS Energy 5L239-257.
- Mirkouei, A., Haapala, K.R., Sessions, J. and Murthy, G.S. 2017. A review and future directions in Techno-economic modeling and optimization of upstream forest biomass to bio-oil supply chains. J. Ren. Sus. Energy Rev. 67:15-35.
- Tabatabaie, S.M.H. and Murthy, G.S. 2017. Effect of geographical location and stochastic weather variation on life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from camelina in the Northwestern United States. Intl. J. LCA. 22:867-882
- Williams, J.D., Robertson, D., Long, D., Wuest, S.B., Kumar, D., Juneja, A. and Murthy, G.S. 2016. Ethanol production potential from conservation buffers in the inland Pacific Northwest. J. Ren. Sust. Energy. 8:053102.
- Tabatabaie, S.M.H. and Murthy, G.S. 2016. Cradle to farm gate life cycle assessment of strawberry production in the U.S. J. Cleaner Prod. 127:548-554.
- Juneja, A., Chaplen, F.W.R. and Murthy, G.S. 2016. A genome scale metabolic reconstruction of Chlorella variabilis for exploring its metabolic potential for biofuels. Biores. Technol. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.02.118.
- Kori, A., Viswanath, V., Jayawickrama, J., Ma, C., Meilan, R., Hohenschuh, W., Murthy, G.S., Eaton, J. and Strauss, S. 2016. Improved growth and weed control of glyphosate-tolerant poplars. New Forests. 47: 653-667.
- Mirkouei, A., Mirzaie,P., Haapala, K.R., Sessions, J. and Murthy, G.S. 2016. Reducing the cost and environmental impact of integrated fixed and mobile bio-oil refinery supply chains. J. Cleaner Prod.
- Hohenshuh, W., Hector, R. and Murthy, G.S. 2015. A dynamic flux balance model and bottleneck identification of glucose,
xylose, xylulose co-fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biores. Technol. 188:153-160. - Hohenshuh, W., Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2014. Economic and cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production from plastic producing, genetically modified hybrid poplar leaves. J. Ren. Sust. Energy 6:063113
- Mochizuki, J., Yanagida, J.F., Kumar, D., Takara, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2014. Life cycle assessment of ethanol production from tropical banagrass (Pennisetum purpureum) using green and dry processing technologies in Hawaii. J. Ren. Sust. Energy 6:043128
- Asmare, A.M., Demessie, B.A. and Murthy, G.S. 2014. Investigation of microalgae co-cultures for nutrient recovery and algal biomass production from dairy manure. App. Eng. Agricul. 30:335-342.
- Merculie, Z., Ramnath, S., Sankoli, M.S., Sivaram,V., Murthy, G.S. and Ceballos, M.R. 2014. Phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial potential of Elaeagnus kologa (Schlecht.) leaf. Asian Pac. Trop. Biomed. 4:687-691.
- Avanasi,R.N., Murthy, G.S., Chaplen, F.W.R. and Beatty, C. 2013. Fermentation of glucose, xylose and xylulose in presence of furfural by yeast for ethanol production. Biol. Eng. Trans. 6 (3).
- Juneja,A., Ceballos, R.M., and Murthy, G.S. 2013. Effects of environmental factors and nutrient availability on biochemical composition of algae for biofuels production: A review. Energies. 6:4607-4638.
- Kumar,D. and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Stochastic molecular model of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose for ethanol production. Biotechnol. Biofuels.6:63 (Highly Accessed)
- Juneja, A., Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2013. Economic feasibility and environmental life cycle assessment of ethanol production from lignocellulosic feedstocks in Pacific Northwest U.S. J. Ren. Sust. Energy. 5:023142
- Bozorgirad,M.A.,Zhang, H., Haapala1,K.R. and Murthy, G.S. 2013. Environmental impact and cost assessment of incineration and ethanol production as municipal solid waste management strategies. Intl. J. LCA. 18:1502-1512
- Ceballos, R., Sankoli, M.S., Ramnath., S., Sivaram,V., Murthy, G.S. and Ceballos, M.R. 2013. Evaluation of phytochemicals and in vitro antioxidant studies of Toddalia asiatica leaf. Medicinal Plants-Intl. J. Phytomedicines and Related Industries 5:202-205.
- Kumar, D., Juneja, A.,Hohenshuh, W., Williams, J.D.and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Study of chemical composition of lignocellulosic feedstocks from different sites of conservation reserve program lands. J. Ren. Sust. Energy.4:063114. doi: 10.1063/1.4766889
- Hohenshuh, W., Ma, C., Dalton, D.A., and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Development of protocols for determination of PHB in plant tissues. J. Bioproc. Eng. Biorefinery. 1:120-126.
- Kumar, D. and Murthy, GS. 2012. Life cycle assessment of ethanol production from grass straws using various pretreatment processes. Intl. J. LCA.17:388-401. (One of the most downloaded articles. Free Access)
- Murthy, G.S., Rausch, K.D., Johnston, D.B., Tumbeson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2012. Design and evaluation of an optimal controller for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. Appl. Biotechnol. Biochem. 166: 87-111.
- Murthy, G.S., Johnston, D.B., Rausch, K.D., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2012. A simultaneous saccharification and fermentation model for dynamic growth environments. Bioproc. Biosys. Eng.35:519-534
- Juneja, A., Kumar, D. Williams, J.D., Wysocki, D.J. and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Potential for ethanol production from conservation reserve program lands in Oregon. J. Ren. Sust. Energy 3:63102 doi:10.1063/1.3658399
- Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Impact of pretreatment and downstream processing technologies on economics, energy and water use in cellulosic ethanol production. Biotechnol. Biofuels. 4:27 doi:10.1186/1754-6834-4-27
- Kumar, D., Prasad, S., and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Optimization of microwave-assisted hot air drying of okra using response surface methodology. J. Food Sc. and Technol. 51: 221-32.
- Murthy, G.S., Rausch, K.D., Johnston, D.B., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2011. Industrial evaluation of a dynamic controller for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. Ind. Biotechnol. 7:298-307.
- Murthy, G.S., Rausch, K.D., Johnston, D.B., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2011. Starch hydrolysis modeling: Application to fuel ethanol production. Bioproc. Biosys. Eng. 34:879-890.
- Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis of grass straw for ethanol production in Pacific Northwest US. Biological Eng. 3:97-110.
- Sanders, K. and Murthy, G.S. 2010. Life cycle analysis of algae biodiesel. Intl. J. LCA.15:704-714.
- Murthy, G.S., Sall, E.D., Metz, S.G., Foster, G., and Singh, V. 2009. Fermentation of degermed and debraned corn from different hybrids in dry grind process. Ind. Crops and Products. 29:67-72.
- Martinez-Amezuca, C., Parsons, C.M., Singh, V., Srinivasan, R., and Murthy, G.S. 2007. Nutritional characteristics of corn distillers dried grains with solubles as affected by the amounts of grains versus solubles and different processing techniques. Poultry Sci. 86:2624-2630.
- Murthy, G.S., Rausch, K.D., Johnston, D.B., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2006. Evaluation and strategies to improve fermentation characteristics of modified dry grind corn processes. Cereal Chem. 83:455-459.
- Murthy, G.S., Singh, V., Johnston, D.B., Rausch, K.D., and Tumbleson, M.E. 2006. Improvement in fermentation characteristics of degermed corn flour by lipid supplementation. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33:655-660.
- Murthy, G.S., Townsend, D.E., Meerdink, G.L., Bargren, G.L., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2005. Effect of aflatoxin B1 on dry grind ethanol process. Cereal Chem. 82:302-304.
Theses and Dissertations
Doctoral Dissertation
- Dr. Deepak Kumar. 2014. Biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol: Experimental, enzymatic hydrolysis modeling, techno-economic and life cycle assessment studies. Oregon State University.
- Dr. Abraham Mebrat Asmare. 2014. Investigation the potential of the microalgae consortium for algal biomass productivity, carbon sequestration and nutrient recovery from dairy manure. Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
- Dr. Ankita Juneja. 2015. Model predictive control for optimum algal growth. Oregon State University.
- Dr. William Hohenschuh, 2016. The path forward: Using high throughput data and dynamic flux balance modeling to identify bottlenecks in the carbon metabolism of industrial microbes and suggest solutions to improve product yield. Oregon State University.
- Dr. S.M.H. Tabatabaie. 2017. Integrated Spatio-temporal Sustainability Analysis of Biofuels Using Biogeochemistry, Economic and Life Cycle Analysis. Oregon State University.
Master’s Thesis
- Mr. Kyle Sander, 2010. Downstream processing of microalgal biomass for biofuels. Oregon State University. MS.
- Mr. Chintan Joshi. 2010. Responses to nutritional stress by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii -Theoretical perspectives. Oregon State University. PSM.
- Mr. Ragothaman Avanasi. 2010. Hemicellulose utilization by yeast for ethanol production- Adaptation, effect of inhibitors and a flux balance based analysis. Oregon State University. MS.
- Mr. Wesley Miller. 2011. Evaluation of feedstocks for cellulosic ethanol and bioproducts production in the northwest. Oregon State University. MS.
- Ms. Carolina Garcia-Rios. 2013. Enzymatic disruption of algal cell walls as an oil extraction technology for biofuel production. Oregon State University. PSM.
- Mr. William Hohenschuh. 2014. A modeling and experimental approach to understanding the bottlenecks in xylulose utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Oregon State University. MS.
- Mr. Alexander McDaniell. 2015. Evaluating the sustainability of an advanced biofuel using attributional and consequential life cycle assessments. MS.
BS Honor’s Thesis
- Mr. William J. Wallach. 2016. Recycling potential of sequential hydrothermal liquefaction aqueous co-product using Chlorella vulgaris. Oregon State University.
- Ms. Crystal Oldfield. 2015. Impact of lignin composition on enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass. Oregon State University.
- Ms. Martine Torres. 2012. Biosorption studies of acid green-3 dye. Oregon State University.