Field Trip to Klamath station
September 13-14, 2006
The team visited two Bowen ratio field sites in the Wood River basin of the Klamath River system. The first site is at Agency Ranch which lies north of and adjacent to Agency Lake. This is an unirrigated site. The second site is at the Owens Ranch in the northern part of the basin close to where Annie Spring flows into the basin. This was an irrigated site at the time Bowen ratio measurements were made there. Both sites are pasture which is grazed by cattle. Soil pits were dug to the extent of the root zone to get the sense of the root zone distribution and variations in soil bulk density. We also ran small ring infiltration tests (9 locations at each site in a fixed grid) at these two sites

Trip to South Sister, Bend, OR
September 9-10, 2006
The HST team made a back-packing trip to the South Sister, one of the sceneic peaks at the Cascade range to the east of Corvallis. The participants were Richard, April, Jeppe, Aristides and Ariovaldo.