

Boone, Hannah. 2024. “Conservationists’ Cultural Models of the Klamath River Dam Removal and Restoration Project: Current Challenges and Future Visions.” MS Thesis, Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University.

Davis, Jenna. 2024. “Social Dynamics of Water: A Cultural Model for Farmers’ and Ranchers’ Resource Manaement Priorities in the Klamath River Basin.” MS Thesis, Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University.

Kolesar, S.E., P. Ruggiero, D. Tullos, J.H. Tilt, B. Tilt, and B.M. Thompson. (2024) Challenges and strategies for knowledge co-production in ecosystem and natural hazards research. Oceanography 37(1):19–25,


Tullos, D., Tilt, B., Alexander, J., and Pike, J. 2023. Resilience and connectivity in the Klamath River Basin. StoryMap available at:



Oregon Stater Magazine (2025) Rewilding the Klamath. Feature article in the winter 2025 edition, distributed to over 200,000 households.


CNN (2024) The largest dam removal project in the US is completed – a major win for Indigenous tribes

OPB (2024) Researchers, tribes, residents prepare for a century of sediment released from the Klamath dams

OSU ( 2024) Engaging Klamath River community perspectives: OSU researchers seek social responses on prospective dam removals

High Country News (2024) Scientists are tracking ecological changes as the Klamath River dams come down

OPB (2024) Water quality discussed after completion of Klamath reservoir drawdown

OSU (2024) River Rebalance. Engineering Out Loud podcast episode. S14E2.


Resilience (2023) Klamath Countdown: Researchers Hustle Before Largest Dam-Removal Project Begins

The Revelator (2023) Klamath Countdown: Researchers Hustle Before Largest Dam-Removal Project Begins 

PBS Terra Episode (2023) Is the Future of California’s Salmon Dam Removal?

OSU (2023) Unrestricted Flow. A short film on how the dam removals have created learning opportunities for OSU students outside of the classroom.


OPB (2022) The world’s largest dam removal will touch many lives in the Klamath River Basin

JPR (2022) OSU and Yuroks team up to envision dam-free Klamath River

JPR (2022) The world’s largest dam removal will touch many lives in the Klamath River Basin

KBND (2022) OSU To Study Impacts Of Klamath Dam Removal



Tullos, D., Alford, K, Genzoli, L., & Thompson, B. 2024. Water quality, primary production, and river health in the pre-dam removal Klamath River based on multiple ways of knowing. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, WA, March 2024.

Alford, K., Tullos, D., and Peterson, J. October 18, 2024. An Evaluation of the Mechanisms Driving Dissolved Oxygen During the Klamath Dam Removal. American Fisheries Society Conference. Honolulu, HI. 

Alford, K., Tullos, D., and Peterson, J. May 21, 2024. An Evaluation of the Mechanisms Driving Dissolved Oxygen During the Klamath Dam Removal. Pacific Northwest Water Research Symposium. Corvallis, OR 

Tullos, D. and Tilt, B. 2024. Un-Damming the Klamath: River Health as Defined By Its Ecosystems & Its Peoples. Science on Tap. Vancouver, WA. September 11, 2024. 

Tullos, D.  2024. Un-Damming the Klamath: River Health as Defined By Its Ecosystems & Its Peoples. Academy of Lifelong Learning, Corvallis, OR. October 24, 2024. 

Tilt, B., Boone, H., Davis, J. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, NM. March, 2024.


Tullos, D., Alford, K, Genzoli, L., & Thompson, B. 2023. Water quality, primary production, and river health in the pre-dam removal Klamath River based on multiple ways of knowing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2023. 

Tullos, D and Tilt, B. 2023. Dam Removal and Beyond: Socioecological Perspectives on river health in the Klamath River. Oregon State University Science pub. November, 2023.


Tullos, D and Alexander, J. 2022. Anticipating the effects of dam removal on the Klamath River water quality, food web, and disease risk. Klamath Basin Monitoring Program annual meeting. November 09, 2022. Available online at: 

Alexander, J. and Tullos, D. 2022. Removing the compost heaps: Anticipating the effects of dam removal on the Klamath River water quality, food web, and disease risk Society for Freshwater Science PNW October 19-21 2022. 

Tullos, D., Alexander, J., and Genzoli, L. 2022. Water quality, food webs, and equitable decisions in the Klamath. American Geophysical Union, Chicago, IL, December 2022. 

Tilt, Bryan. “Remaking a River: Dam Removal and Ecological Restoration in the Pacific Northwest.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2022.