Resilience (2023) Klamath Countdown: Researchers Hustle Before Largest Dam-Removal Project Begins
The Revelator (2023) Klamath Countdown: Researchers Hustle Before Largest Dam-Removal Project Begins
PBS Terra Episode (2023) Is the Future of California’s Salmon Dam Removal?
OPB (2022) The world’s largest dam removal will touch many lives in the Klamath River Basin
JPR (2022) OSU and Yuroks team up to envision dam-free Klamath River
JPR (2022) The world’s largest dam removal will touch many lives in the Klamath River Basin
KBND (2022) OSU To Study Impacts Of Klamath Dam Removal
View our StoryMap on connectivity and resilience in the Klamath River basin
Tullos, D and Alexander, J. 2022. Anticipating the effects of dam removal on the Klamath River water quality, food web, and disease risk. Klamath Basin Monitoring Program annual meeting. November 09, 2022. Available online at:
Alexander, J. and Tullos, D. 2022. Removing the compost heaps: Anticipating the effects of dam removal on the Klamath River water quality, food web, and disease risk Society for Freshwater Science PNW October 19-21 2022.
Tullos, D., Alexander, J., and Genzoli, L. 2022. Water quality, food webs, and equitable decisions in the Klamath. American Geophysical Union, Chicago, IL, December 2022.
Tullos, D., Alford, K, Genzoli, L., & Thompson, B. 2023. Water quality, primary production, and river health in the pre-dam removal Klamath River based on multiple ways of knowing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
Tullos, D., Alford, K, Genzoli, L., & Thompson, B. 2024. Water quality, primary production, and river health in the pre-dam removal Klamath River based on multiple ways of knowing. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, WA, March 2024.
Tullos, D and Tilt, B. 2023. Dam Removal and Beyond: Socioecological Perspectives on river health in the Klamath River. Oregon State University Science pub. November, 2023.
Tilt, Bryan. “Remaking a River: Dam Removal and Ecological Restoration in the Pacific Northwest.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2022.