Cutting up the wick has been the last part of getting the evaporimeter completed. The method used to cut the wick is quite unique. We placed densely-packed wick inside an acrylic tube and then froze it. This is done so that the wick is easier to cut because when it is dry it is difficult. Freezing it allows us to cut it with a bandsaw really quick.The wick is as long as the tube itself and then cut to size. Here is a picture of what the setup should look like:

Setup of the wick inside the tube.
After cutting them we just insert them into the evaporimeter and let the water melt. We then fluff the wick and the system is ready to go. The only problem with this method is that the wick gets dirty while cutting. The bandsaw cleans itself on the wick and since the wick is white it is really noticeable.

Fiberglass wick after cutting and fluffing