• Per-site and regional averages remain much lower than normal.
  • Remember to continue regular scouting for flea beetles and aphids.
  • Cabbage white butterfly counts are done visually (not via pheromone traps). On a sunny day, scan the landscape for adults; they have a distinctive, erratic flight pattern. If many are seen, return in 5-7 days to check for rocket-shaped, singular eggs or small larvae on the underside of leaves.
  • We are noticing increased activity of western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) beetles in corn fields. Related to 12-spot, adults have black ‘smear’ stripes on the elytra, rather than spots. Our student, Kyleah, is monitoring rootworm beetles as part of a larger, national network. Read her summary to learn more about what we’ve seen so far.

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