Pleased to announce I was invited to participate in a nationwide analysis of corn earworm trends. This new study from Dr. Lawton (NC State) et al. takes a look at decades-long trapping and soil temperature data to provide some insight into overwintering potential of H. zea, and how we might use models to predict pest abundance. Highlights from the article:

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Leafhoppers belong to Hemiptera: Cicadellidae and one of the most well-studied species is the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae Harris. It has been proven (1,2) that these insects are long-range migrants, and tend to colonize an area based on surface airflow convection currents and high and low pressure fronts. Because they can be significant agricultural pests (alfalfa, clover, beans, tomato, potato, hops, maple, apple), it is important to understand the factors that contribute to their abundance…

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