• Overall, a very slow start! Below normal looper levels and almost no black cutworms detected since May.
  • True armyworm counts are increasing, both at Hyslop and throughout the valley (monitored near cereal, grass, and forage fields).
  • The hatch of winter cutworm at Hyslop is alarming, but aligned with what we know so far about their lifecycle. Females require about 4 weeks to mature eggs, which means larvae could be present by early to mid-August.
  • Given the recent heat wave, flea beetles will likely be present on brassicas. Scout vigilantly and often.

View the DATA TABLE below:

  • There has been an abundance of Corn Earworm (Helicoverpa zea) moths near fresh market corn in Linn County, which affects the average, but all other sites remain low to normal. Timing is closely associated with crop development (moths appear at silk and lay eggs), so we keep a close eye on CEW for the coming weeks. Also, we are in the process of reviewing long term activity data that may help to improve degree-day models for this region.
  • The Oregon IPM Center is collaborating on a survey for Western Corn Rootworm. The research effort is led by Iowa State University, and includes Extension educators, field crop specialists, and ag industry representatives in 13 U.S. states and 5 Canadian provinces. More info available here.
  • Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) counts remain lower than historically normal levels. Although sweet corn plantings are likely past the sensitive stage, remember that black cutworm also feeds on tomatoes and other garden crops.
This smaller table shows the average of all sites (2023AVE) for the specified time period and how it compares to our long-term average (LTAVE) from data collected in this region between 1996 and 2012. Corn earworm is higher due only to an outbreak at fresh market corn field near Albany (ALBN.1 on main table).
  • All ‘usual suspect’ crop pest moths (loopers, cutworms, corn earworm) are within normal activity levels.
  • Diabrotica undecimpunctata (12-spot / cucumber beetles) have 2 generations per year. They may be feeding underground now as rootworms, and expect to see more adult beetles in the landscape in the coming weeks. Rootworms feed underground, and adults chew on foliage of a wide variety of crops and weeds.
  • Heat brings on flea beetles. Keep an eye on any newly planted fields, beetles tend to move in from the margins.
  • See data table below…

  • FEB 6th re: AgCensus – Every 5 years, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service offers producers large and small (>$1K of annual sales or potential) opportunity to participate in the census. The data collected help guide legislature, research, and most importantly, show the value and importance of American agriculture. The law requires that operator information remains confidential and used for aggregate data reporting only.
  • FEB 13th re: EPA Rodenticide Proposed Interim Decision (PID) – Lots of other agencies covering this, but just in case…be aware that many changes are being proposed that could impact your operation. Applicator licensure, restrictions or revoking use, timing and placement, increased PPE, and mandatory or advisory post-application carcass searches, to name a few. Learn more from the Rodenticide Task Force or EPA.
  • MAR 15th re: Commodity Commission Openings – 19 of the 23 state commissions have open seats that need filled. Again, a great opportunity to ensure your voice is heard and help guide decision-making. OPVC is my favorite 🙂 but let your own interest and experience guide you! Learn more and apply via ODA.

The email that went out to subscribers Monday clarified that yes, we are done monitoring and reporting for the 2019 season. You can read that message here.

But please do continue to visit this blog for these and other updates:

  • Summarizing 2019 pest trends
    • A comprehensive written report will be available at the vegetable grower’s meeting and OPVC website by Jan 2020.
    • Investigating why corn earworm was so minimal in W. Oregon but very abundant E. of the Cascades and also in the midwest.
    • Cabbage looper outbreak: if it affected load rejections; possible prediction of outbreaks; how new methods of counting became necessary due to 1200+ moths per trap (see photo below)
comparison of hand tally paper and scale
  • Continued armyworm trapping
    • Cooperators in Tillamook county will continue to operate pheromone traps and scout fields through October because fall activity is common.
    • Trap counts are updated each week http:// beav.es/ZY3 and we are in the process of mapping them to examine if any geographical patterns are evident.
  • Publication
    • 23 years of a darn-solid phenology dataset is nothing to scoff at. I have spoken with some of you about collaborating on a journal article. Dan would be proud, and I…well..need to. Maybe we’ll have enough rainy days this winter to actually accomplish it. Contact me if you’re interested.

Thank you for another great year!

A busy and wonderful few weeks!

  • For those of you I met at the OSU Extension Annual Conference in Corvallis (Dec 3-6 2018), it may be helpful to click here to learn more about the VegNet program, or feel free to contact me if you have questions.
  • Armyworms may be a problem in grass seed, pastures, fall-seeded brassicas, etc. this winter. Some species overwinter as larvae and can continue to feed if temperatures are mild enough. Check out the recent articles on our sister blog, Cutworm Central.
  • Continued and planned updates to the pest profile page, including Lygus bug…coming soon!


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Starting April 2017, this site will serve as the new format for Oregon State University’s VegNet program. To receive the weekly newsletter, sign up via MailChimp (link below).

Thanks for your interest and patience as we build this site.

If you’re curious about the program, you can check it out here.