Human Livelihoods and the Tropical Biodiversity Conservation

Subsistence hunting provides a crucial food source for rural populations in tropical forests but is often said to be unsustainable. However, previous methods treat sustainability as a binary ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, which is particularly problematic because the answer to that question depends entirely on the spatial scale being considered. To remedy this, my research […]

March 9, 2021

Conservation Biology. V21, n5

Subsistence hunting provides a crucial food source for rural populations in tropical forests but is often said to be unsustainable. However, previous methods treat sustainability as a binary ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, which is particularly problematic because the answer to that question depends entirely on the spatial scale being considered. To remedy this, my research treats sustainability as an inherently spatial problem. Rather than label hunting as sustainable or not sustainable, I quantify the spatial area where hunting will cause local extirpation, and assess how this area depends on the adoption of firearms, human population growth, the creation of new settlements, hunter effort, and the speed at which animals recolonize hunted areas. Previous methods were also limited to assessing sustainability in a single settlement, but the models that I have developed predict wildlife population densities in space even when hunted by multiple settlements with overlapping hunting ranges and different human population sizes. My models also predict how human harvest rates change as wildlife are depleted, which has implications for the livelihoods of subsistence hunters. To make these methods accessible, I provide software-based tools, including a toolbox for ArcGIS, to assist in managing and mapping the spatial extent of hunting.

I have worked primarily with two large projects. The first is the People vs. Parks project in Manu National Park, Peru where I lived and worked with Matsigenka hunters to monitor hunting behavior and harvest. I recently joined Project Fauna in the Rupununni region of Guyana. Project fauna conducted ambitious wildlife sampling with the help of Macuxi and Wapishana Indians on a massive spatial scale. I use distance sampling and statistical models to assess how wildlife population densities relate to anthropogenic disturbance, such as hunting, versus natural variation in habitat and fruit availability.

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